14 Abr MEGAJOULE had an interview with APREN
A: What is MEGAJOULE’S scope of activity?
M: MEGAJOULE is a Portuguese renewable energy company, with an emphasis on renewable energy consultancy and engineering. Since its establishment in 2004, MEGAJOULE has specialized in wind and solar projects which are being performed all around the world for the last 15 years. Thanks to our employee’s expertise and many of our associates we collaborate with, MEGAJOULE is able to offer support throughout all of the stages of the renewable projects, in any part of the world. Our main scope of activities includes met mast installation for wind resource assessment or power curve measurement purposes, participating in due diligence processes, for financing or negotiation of wind farm projects or portfolios, as well as solar resource assessment and due diligence. MEGAJOULE also covers engineering services, which include the whole development process of the wind farm. This includes accessibility evaluation, grid connection analysis, micrositing, prefeasibility study, noise impact, shadow flicker analysis, visualizations, basic and main design, technical due diligence, feasibility study, contracting support (TS, O&M, EPC, BoP), owners engineer, project management and supervision services. We are also publishing several types of technical publications for the last couple of years.
A: What kind of publications are you publishing?
M: MEGAJOULE is publishing periodical technical publications which include Wind Index, Wind Speed Anomaly maps and Horizontal Radiance Anomaly maps. The Wind Index, which is being done in collaboration with APREN, aims to quantify the wind energy production fluctuations regarding the historical means, however, it is based upon real wind farm production results, properly corrected in order to dissipate any operational unavailability effects. The Wind Index is published for Portuguese market for every quarter. Wind Speed Anomaly maps are being published as well, on a quarterly basis, for selected countries, and they consist of the percentage deviation of the average 50m-wind speed of the previous quarter vs the long-term average for the homologous period. Horizontal Radiation Anomaly maps which consist of the percentage deviation of the average GHI of previous quarter vs the long-term average for the homologous period, are being published in the same manner. These activities help MEGAJOULE to contribute the renewable market even more, in a different way, by providing useful information for all of the market participants.
A: What are the main markets where you operate?
M: As stated before, MEGAJOULE’s headquarter is situated in Porto, Portugal, but our activity does not stop there. During its 15 years of work, MEGAJOULE has established four more offices in different places around the world. Currently, except our main office in Portugal, our other business units are stationed in Zagreb – Croatia, Istanbul – Turkey, Buenos Aires – Argentina, and Fortaleza in Brazil. We take a great pride in our dispersion around the world, as this is most favourable way to be part of many emerging markets. What’s more, all of the markets MEGAJOULE is situated in have very ambitious Energy and Climate Plans for the next decade, which drives us and motivates us even more to contribute to and be part of the changes these countries seek for. However, MEGAJOULE’s expansion goes even further, as we are present all around the world which is depicted by the fact that MEGAJOULE has performed projects in close to 50 countries in all continents, summing up with more than 50 GW of solar and wind projects worldwide!
A: Is there any recent project you’re especially proud of?
M: In late May 2019 MEGAJOULEs business unit in Zagreb – Croatia (Megajoule Adria d.o.o.) has signed its biggest engineering services contract in Croatia for wind farm Senj which will have an installed power of 156 MW and will consist of 39 turbines with a nominal capacity of 4 MW each. The services include owners engineering, supervision services, grid compliance services and support in permitting services during construction and commissioning until operating permit is issued. MEGAJOULE is performing these services together with its local partner Urbane Ideje, specialists in civil engineering. Currently wind farm Senj is in the first phase of construction which means access roads, plateaus and foundations for the wind farm are in construction. So far MEGAJOULE has prepared the Technical Due Diligence, Wind Resource Assessment using CFD, Quality Management Plan, tendering for met masts and noise measurements as well as active participation in weekly coordination and performing supervision services.

A: What are your plans for 2020?
M: The 2020 has already started exceptionally as we entered the year with a new recognition – MEGAJOULE has been certified as third-party independent testing laboratory for power curve test measurements according to IEC 61400-12-1. This certification is applicable to power curve tests that are conducted as part of, and consisted with, the Turbine Supply Agreements between GE and their customers. We are looking forward to our first application in Ukraine.
For 2020, MEGAJOULE’s main target is to expand its engineering services in the Portuguese market, in the scope of the renewed momentum of the renewable energy market. We will be building up on the experience gathered in Croatia with the Senj Wind Farm project and we expect to be soon broadening our support and improving our services to our clients in Portugal.